123 Dogs|A foray into rhyming poetry

I write some poetry – and in the past it’s all been non-rhyming. I find it easier – and it’s a lot more dramatic than rhyming poetry – which suits a lot of my (serious) poems. But I’m trying to learn how to write more on happy topics, and in poetry, for me, happy =…


Here is a little something I wrote. We have a Situation. In the last five minutes, it has progressed from a situation to a Situation and I fear that before the day is over, it will become a SITUATION. Historically Situations only become SITUATIONS if the problem can’t be solved, and this problem is looking…

Nano Update//Piece of Writing

Okay, so I didn’t win Nano this year. I got to just over 19k before I left for New Zealand. Although I would’ve liked to have had more words – halfway would’ve been nice, or even a round 20k, but alas – it’s 19k more words than I had at the beginning of November. I’ve…

NaNo 2017

This is my Nano year. Every single year I say I’m going to do it, but every November comes and goes and I don’t do it. (I kinda once did it in 2013, but it was a very half-arsed, not very Nano-vibes effort. It doesn’t really count). National Novel Writing Month – Nano for short – is…

BOOKS – a poem

Pirate ships, little boys, Spaceships, moving toys. Families, heartbreak, Holding hands, carpet snakes. Absent dad, dead mom Contemporary rom-com Missing kid, no history, Found yourself a mystery. Exploding ships, time to flee This is fantasy. Teenagers – (some in cults) Welcome to young adult We have Evie, Noah, Jess Frankie, Alba, Death. Anna, Hazel, Rachel…

2016: a poem

We lost Willy Wonka, Snape and Mohammed Ali, David Bowie, Prince, Dolly mag and Harper Lee. There was Brexit, Trump elected and terror attacks – Orlando and Bastille Day the worst of the acts. Goodbye George Michael, Princess Leia, and Zsa Zsa Gabor, Debbie Reynolds, Nancy Reagan and deaths from the war. World wise, it’s…

Travel Update: an ode to Italy

If you’ve been keeping up with my travels (laurentheberger with the hash tag #lozgeuro on Twitter and Insta//our new joint account: lozashtravels) and I’ve been posting updates on here too (#1, #2 and #3), you may’ve noticed that most of the South Loop (the loop we’re doing), is in Italy.  Cities so far (Italy in bold): Munich, Venice, Rome, Siena, Florence,…

Would You Rather? || I wrote a poem

It’s weird that I’m so extremely bad at keeping to posting regularly on here, when I pretty strictly keep to handing in work and assessments on time for school. It’s probably because of the possible consequences if I hand in something late for school, but I know that there aren’t any consequences for not posting…