Read//Watch//Listen (8)

I’ve written and rewritten about 3 different posts in the last week. I’m not sure myself what I wanna say, so for the moment, draft posts and Shiny New Ideas it is. It’s been a while since I posted anything, so here is version numero 8 of Read//Watch//Listen. READ I am currently reading some excellent #LoveOzYA in the…

Read//Watch//Listen (7)

This is my first Read//Watch//Listen of 2017 (and also my first one since May last year…) READ I am currently reading Adam Silvera’s new book More Happy than Not. I’m not super far into it (about 80 pages), but I’m enjoying it so far. The last book I finished was Words in Deep Blue (Cath Crowley) which was…

Read//Watch//Listen (6)

READ I am currently reading Holier Than Thou (Laura Buzo). I think I’m enjoying it, but so far, there’s nothing that’s especially grabbed me or made me want to race to the end. I very rarely DNF books, so I will finish it, but s l o w l y. The other day I made a detour…

Read//Watch//Listen (5)

READ I’m actually overseas at the moment, so, although I thought I would have heaps of time for reading, my mom and I are being real tourist-y and trying to squeeze in a lot of things before we leave. I brought 10 books with (and also purchased one with a book voucher from my granny <3), and…

Read//Watch//Listen (4)

Well the last time I posted one of these was February 10th 2015, so yes, it’s been a while. But at least I’m consistent at being inconsistent, aka skills to not put on your resume. READ I am slowly (emphasised) working my way through the 2016 Inky Awards List. (Apparently I am technologically challenged and it’s late at…

Read//Watch//Listen (3)

Right, so I know this is (many) days late and I did warn everyone about my struggle to keep a schedule – so here I am at least keeping up with the promise of NOT keeping it regular. Here’s to that – READ I am very excited to say that I have successfully read books…

Read//Watch//Listen (2)

Here’s to regularity! *raises glass of non-alcoholic drink because I’m not old enough to drink yet*. As well as being a week from when I last posted my first Read//Watch/Listen, it is also Australia Day! Happy Australia Day to my fellow Australians and may you have many lamingtons, shrimps (on the barbie), Caramellos, Golden Gaytimes…

Read//Watch//Listen (1)

Maybe I’ll make these (semi) regular posts (or maybe not. My track record pretty much sucks). But I’d like to start something as of this moment to show the things that I am reading/listening/watching to the day/week/time that I post this. It could be anything from a podcast to an article I read on a…